Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rapunzel Dinner

This was our last " Disney themed" dinner before our trip! Well, I guess we had one more the night before we left. My son wanted to do The Incredibles and since they eat leftovers in the movie we just ate leftovers:) It was perfect because we needed to clean out the fridge before leaving anyhow. I threw down a black table cloth and yellow plates with red cups and the kids were happy.

For this dinner we had angel hair pasta on individual frying pans (shown above). And yellow lemondaide for our drink. I figured lemondaide is yellow like her hair. It works right?

I used my typical twisted breadsticks recipe but instead of having two strips that I twist, I used three strips and braided each breadstick! This was my kid's favorite. They were pretty excited to see how much they actually looked like braided hair. 

Last but not least, for dessert we had rice crispy treats dipped in colored white chocolate. Next time I think I will use colored frosting instead. It was hard to get the white chocate very saturated with color so they were all pretty pastel 'ish really light colors. They were still yummy though!

It was fun! I have enjoyed doing these dinners so much but I have to be honest, it's probably good that this is my last. They are a little extra work more then a normal every day dinner and right now even the normal every day dinner is stressful enough! I've got a toddler who is at that age where she hangs onto my legs and bawls and whines because she wants me to pick her up. If you've ever had a toddler, I'm assuming you know exactly what I'm talking about! 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lace and Rustic

I love all the lace everywhere. Lace is pretty and feminine. Pair it with holy rustic jeans and it's a fun combination! A statement necklace can give it a fun pop of color.

Lace shirt I bought on
White undershirt from Down East
Jeans (I honestly don't remember. Had them for years!)
Orange Statement necklace from Taipan Trading
Leopard Flats from Target

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cars Dinner

Finally posting our Lightning McQueen Cars Themed Family Dinner! The menu above is free! All you have to do is right click on image and save then print! Remember, personal use only please. 

First off, I'll show you our drink which was "Fillmore's Organic Fuel".


Below is our "Leaning Tour of Tires" (Donuts).

Baked and salted Asparagus serves as "Mater's Tow Cables"

Baked Tater Tots are "Mater's Fried Taters". I loved this one:) Said it over and over because I think it's so cute.

"Flo's Fried Chicken" is actually popcorn chicken although you could obriously serve real fried chicken. And instead of the fried taters being tater tots, you could do french can use the same names but change up what you are serving if you'd like!

We are dippers at this house. Gotta have Ketchup and Fry Sauce to dip those chicken and tater babies in:)

And that's it for the food! I had the food menu printed and on the table as well as the sign that says, "Luigi's Pit Stop and Fueling Station." Gotta "fuel" up at dinner before we get busy playing again! Or in my the kitchen ha ha. If you would like to print Luigi's sign, scroll down to the bottom of the post where it is. Right click, save image and then it's ready to print.

I kept to my five dollars and under budget. Here is a break down:

Tablecloth $1.00
Lightning McQueen plates $2.00

I already had the black plastic cups and plastic forks. I printed the papers off using my own printer. The only other cost was the food but well, we have to buy food for dinner anyway so I don't count that in my cost. 

I love the memories we are making. Here are my two oldest excited over their dinner. They helped me make Rocky Road Ice Cream in our Ice Cream maker and we had it in "Cozy Cones" for dessert. That was my son's idea.....we had to have ice cream "cones"!!!

Here is the table once more......

Please feel free to print this below and use it to make your own fun memories.

Food labels are below. Just save, print and cut out! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Frozen Dinner

Our Frozen Dinner was so fun! My little girl had been looking forward to this one since we started these dinners. I made the menu and these food labels and am sharing it all with you for free! Just remember, personal use only please. Just right click on image, save and then it's ready to print! Cut out the food labels and fold on the white lines. 

Here is the sandwiches we had but the word sandwich has a wide scope so this food label will work for you no matter what kind of sandwich you decide to have!

Kristoff's Ice Cubes are just blue Jell-0 made into jiggler jello and cut into cubes.

 Olaf's Noses- Easy peasy......just carrot sticks!

Round donuts rolled in powdered sugar make great "snowballs".

I was telling my husband how I used the carrots for Olaf instead of for Sven so I needed to come up with something to be "Sven's" food item. My husband thought up this one and was so proud of himself! It's just milk duds but we labeled it as "Sven's Reindeer Poop." At first my kid's reaction was "ew!" but then the more they thought of it they decided they loved it. Granted, it's dessert like food, but guess what they asked for more then anything during dinner?! And they always asked us for more "reindeer poop". That's not something you hear everyday up to the dinner table! Lol:)

I bought "Frozen" throw away plates for $2.00, the tablecloth for $1.00 and printed off the food labels and menu at a print shop for $2.00. Kept my fun dinner to no more then $5.00 again! I don't count the food because we gotta have dinner anyways........although normally I promise we don't even have one dessert let alone three! I don't have a picture of our final and last dessert. It's Elsa's Magic Snow Ice. We have a small snow cone maker. I just made snow cones with blue syrup.

Our drink was water bottles. They were our "Melted Snow". I didn't end up having time to make labels for those. If in the future I get them done I'll be sure to add them in for you all to use.

The kids loved it. Hope you can use my printables and create your own fun!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Snow White Dinner

This was our snow white dinner! Like I said, keep it simple and inexpensive. It doesn't have to be expensive to be fun. I had the blue and yellow paper plates and the yellow napkins and red forks all left over from my son's Lego Birthday Party so I didn't have to buy any paper products. It's not fancy by any means but the kids loved it and thought it was great! 

If you would like to print off the dinner menu just right click on the menu, save it and then it's ready to print! Remember, personal use only please!

This is what it all looked like. Only expense was the food!

We each chose a dwarf to be that meal. My daughter chose "Happy" which was great because we didn't hear any whining from her that meal!

My son chose Doc. My husband chose Grumpy. Now just so you know, my husband is NOT a grumpy person! So it was hilarious to see him trying to scowl:) I chose sleepy so of course I fell asleep up to the table a couple of times during the meal and started to snore! My daughter had so much fun waking me up. We chose Dopey for the baby because she can't talk so it was a good choice for her. The kids loved playing a character while they ate. 

I made red and blue jiggler jello, cut them in cubes and threw them all in a bowl and then mixed some cool whip into it all. The idea was to have red, blue and white jello just like snow white's dress.

I thought about doing mini sandwiches for the Seven Dwarf's sandwiches but I was craving some chicken salad sandwhiches so I just cut them in half so they were a little smaller then they would have been otherwise. 

Broccoli florets were our "Forest Trees".

Ice water was our "Well Water."

I didn't get a picture but for dessert we had caramel apples which we called the "Queen's Poisoned Apples."

It doesn't have to be hard! I later had the thought it would have been fun to sit up to a short table on little chairs! You could also make all your food mini size. I forgot to do this but in honor of the show I was going to make all my kids do a big washing before getting up to the table just like Snow White made the dwarfs do! Just let your imagination run wild!

Hope I've inspired you a little. Have fun with those kiddos of yours and make some fun memories this week. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We are going to Disney Land!!!

I am so excited! We are FINALLY going to Disney Land! I have never been in my entire life and I am adamant that my kids are going! And they are going while they still love characters. I respect everyone's decisions and I know some people have mentioned to me that they don't think it's worth going till their kids are old enough to remember the trip. I can see their reasonings but I also know that if you wait till they are too old they will be out of the "character" stage and I wonder if that loses a little bit of the magic? ......Anyhow, not here to start a debate, obviously I don't know because I've never been but that's all about to change! We are going in a couple months, yes, even with a baby in a stroller and me being pregnant. It's going to still be magical :)

I may not be able to do all the rides but I told my husband that gosh dang it, in the second trimester I'm going to be able to eat so we are going to eat LOTS!!! If I gain weight from it.....well let's just say I can blame it on the baby :)

So to tell you how excited I am I told my son about how they call it the happiest place on earth and sometimes when I'm helping him do his homework I find myself daydreaming about it! Then I'll turn to him and say, "The HAPPIEST place on earth Tanner. HAPPIEST place on earth." My son just looks at me and smiles. I know, mom of the year.

One time I also said to the kids "Whoever's the most excited to go to Disney Land yell "I am" the loudest!" As they both yelled "I am!" I yelled it at the same time louder then them! My husband laughed at me. I'm not excited at all. Not even one little bit ;)

Okay, so I may be on the crazy mom list but that's okay. I hope I'm fun too. I saw this idea on the blog Mother's in Law Tonque. She has awsome ideas! If you would like to see hers click here.

Here is the first one I came up with to start. If you would like the free menu printable just right click and save then print!

So here is how it works. Up until our trip the kids and I will choose a movie of the week. We will watch that movie on Friday night and then sometime during that week we will have our "themed" dinner that goes a long with that movie! The first night was a blast. Many of our older Disney movies are on VHS and we only have a VHS player downstairs in the toyroom so we carried a mattress down, everyone piled on it and we watched the movie while eating popcorn!

Then on Monay we had this dinner. My kids have gotten so excited about this. They keep telling me what movies they want to do the most and my seven year old son keeps giving me all his awesome food ideas to go with the dinners! I gotta say that some of them are pretty creative! So stay tuned. I'll be posting one a week a long with the printable menu incase you would like to print them off for your own family's personal use.

My kids decided Snow White oughta be next since it was the first Disney Full Length Feature Film. I can guarantee that dinner will have apples in it! Other then that, I'll leave the rest as a surprise:)

Here is the menu.....

So as you can see, Spaghetti with meatballs was the obvious choice :)

Red checked table cloth was in order too I'd say. Cost me $3.00 for the fabric. Other then the price of the food that was it!

These things don't have to be expensive. Here are my two odest excited for their dinner! Simple, not fancy, but oh so fun! Let me know if you've done Lady and Tramp themed dinner before. Any ideas of what you did differently?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby Announcement

Surprise! This is the closest spread we will have done between babies. Lexi and this baby will be barely two years apart! I know many women have done it but I never have so I think I'm a little crazy!!! We are so excited though. All except for Lexi. Look at that face!!!

Man it must be hard to know your getting evicted from the baby spot! Look how my two older kids look excited cheesiness going on there.....not one bit:)  And no that's not leftover lasagna on Marissa's face staining her cheeks. What kind of parent do you think I am? I wash my kid's faces before taking important pictures ;)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

So one night when we were having Twice Baked Potatoes (with regular potatoes) my husband said, "I've heard Twice Bake Potatoes using Sweet Potatoes are really good too. You should try it sometime." If I had a fork in my hand at that second I might have dropped it. You see, after we were married I tried making a couple recipes with sweet potatoes but each time my husband refused to eat them....said he didn't like sweet potatoes. So, I gave up. A few years later he tries sweet potato fries at a couple different restaurants and comments one day that he decided he likes them. Well, anything fried and crispy and oily is usually going to taste good so I guess that didn't surprise me too much, but him suggesting me to make dinner with them....? That did!!!
Well if my husband finally put in a request for a sweet potatoe dinner after a few years of marriage, gosh dang I was going to do it! Turns out, I loved it, the kids loved it and guess what? He did too! So I'm going to share it with you all too in hopes that you will love it as much as we do! Regular twice baked potatoes are already super yummy, the sweet potatoes just make them AMAZING! 

Here are the instructions:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Then bake the potatoes for one hour or until soft. 

Brown bacon till crispy. Drain crumble and set aside.

When potatoes are done allow them to cool for 10 minutes. Then slice the potatoes in half lengthwise and scoop the flesh into a large bowl leaving about 1/4 inch of flesh so the potato maintains its shape; save skins. 

To the potato flesh add sour cream, butter, salt, pepper, 1/2 cup cheese, and milk. Do not add all the milk at once because you may not need it all. Just mix a little in at a time till it's the right consistency. Too much milk will make them runny, not enough will make them to dry and not smooth. Mix with a hand mixer until well blended and creamy. 

Spoon the mixture into the potato skins.

Top each with remaining cheese, green onion and bacon.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted. 

Yum! Look at all that sweet potato and cheese and bacon. Once you've tried the sweet potato version you may never want to go back! 

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes

4 Large Sweet Potatoes
8 Slices bacon or Real Bacon Bits
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup milk
4 Tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
Grated Cheddar cheese, divided
Sliced Green onions to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Then bake the potatoes for one hour or until soft. 

Brown bacon till crispy. Drain crumble and set aside.

When potatoes are done allow them to cool for 10 minutes. Then slice the potatoes in half lengthwise and scoop the flesh into a large bowl leaving about 1/4 inch of flesh so the potato maintains its shape; save skins. 

To the potato flesh add sour cream, butter, salt, pepper, 1/2 cup cheese, and milk. Do not add all the milk at once because you may not need it all. Just mix a little in at a time till it's the right consistency. Too much milk will make them runny, not enough will make them to dry and not smooth. Mix with a hand mixer until well blended and creamy. 

Spoon the mixture into the potato skins. Top each with remaining cheese, green onion and bacon. Bake for another 15 minutes or until heated through and cheese is melted.