Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cupcake First Birthday Party

My baby just had her first birthday! It's crazy how fast time flies. I feel like it wasn't long ago I was visiting my little 3 lb. baby in the NICU. Sometime I will write about her story. I am so grateful that she is here and healthy and celebrating her first birthday! First birthdays are kind of a big deal I think so I had to throw my sweetie a "sweet" party;-).

So, with that being said.......please join me for Lexi's Birthday Party! Okay, so maybe it already happened. But keep scrolling down and it's like celebrating it all over again! So the photo above is the invitations that I made and sent out to all our family inviting them to come. It was my first try at doing a chalkboard design. Not too shabby I think:-)

Below is the table I set up in our back yard. That's the fence behind it:-) I know, high class right?

My husband sells these adorable little standing chalkboard frames in his shop. If you are interested in them click here. Since I'm his wife I got them for free:)

These are the white marshmallow cupcakes. Yum!

These are the chocolate oreo cupcakes. Now I'm not a cake decorator and I was using a bag with a corner clipped (I hardly think that's professional equipment) so no judging my skills please.

They are cute in a homemade way right? 

Anything is cute on a cupcake stand!

I didn't put the icecream out yet because I didn't want it to melt. Here is the sign with the flavors though. Again, one of my husband's AMAZING frames:)

I made this awhile ago. I had my husband cut out the letters and then I decorated them. They grace our table every birthday. 

This was also done awhile ago. I am still in love. I hate to only bring it out for a day. Love Cupcakes!

I sewed this banner the night before her birthday after the kiddos were in bed. Super easy. I know there is already a million tutorials for these on pinterest but I'd be happy to add to the list if anyone is interested. Just let me know if you are! 

Here it is again. I don't think I could have been happier with the way it turned out. Most everything I already had. Just had to whip up the bunting and paint some frames. Oh and make the cupcakes of course;-)

Time to open presents!!! She was a pro!

Okay maybe she needed a little help now and again. 

The cupcake onesie was given to me with my first daughter. Since Marissa hardly touched her cupcake at her first birthday party it wasn't stained. I don't know why she didn't want to get dirty then because she has no issue with it now! 

I kind of have a thing for shoes. I NEEDED to make her matching shoes:-)

 Can you believe that ruffle bum?! Cutest thing ever!!! Polka dots, cupcakes, sprinkles, turquoise and tulle......can't go wrong with that combination! I made this for my first girl and was able to let Lexi wear it too. It was a bit of a struggle to get it over her thighs but it was worth it!

And there she is digging right in! Sadly I didn't get a very good ending picture because it started getting pretty dark by the time she was done. She was pretty messy though! 
Successful party done! It was so fun and I look forward to many more birthdays to come. 
Love you Lexi! So proud of you! May your future birthdays be as fun as this one!

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