Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rapunzel Dinner

This was our last " Disney themed" dinner before our trip! Well, I guess we had one more the night before we left. My son wanted to do The Incredibles and since they eat leftovers in the movie we just ate leftovers:) It was perfect because we needed to clean out the fridge before leaving anyhow. I threw down a black table cloth and yellow plates with red cups and the kids were happy.

For this dinner we had angel hair pasta on individual frying pans (shown above). And yellow lemondaide for our drink. I figured lemondaide is yellow like her hair. It works right?

I used my typical twisted breadsticks recipe but instead of having two strips that I twist, I used three strips and braided each breadstick! This was my kid's favorite. They were pretty excited to see how much they actually looked like braided hair. 

Last but not least, for dessert we had rice crispy treats dipped in colored white chocolate. Next time I think I will use colored frosting instead. It was hard to get the white chocate very saturated with color so they were all pretty pastel 'ish really light colors. They were still yummy though!

It was fun! I have enjoyed doing these dinners so much but I have to be honest, it's probably good that this is my last. They are a little extra work more then a normal every day dinner and right now even the normal every day dinner is stressful enough! I've got a toddler who is at that age where she hangs onto my legs and bawls and whines because she wants me to pick her up. If you've ever had a toddler, I'm assuming you know exactly what I'm talking about! 

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