Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mustard Yellow with Black and White Polka Dots

Welome to my Fashion Friday Week #1 ! I will be posting a new outfit every Friday. I love clothes, makeup, hair, accessories.....I always have! I am a mom of three though so honestly, I am not dressed up every day. No use dressing up to clean toilets and change poopy diapers right?! However, I love the oppurtunity to dress up every chance I can get:-)

So anyone who knows me knows my "mustard yellow sweater". I LOVE that sweater. I will wear that thing till it's in shreds and I can't pull it over my arms anymore!  One of the best purchases I ever made!

So of course I had to start out my Fashion Fridays with an outfit sporting that exact sweater......

Here is a break down: 
Mustard yellow sweater (Forever 21)
White shirt (Down East)
Black and white polka dot skirt (
Mustard yellow vintage inspired heels (Forever Young)
Bar necklace (
Red nail polish and curly hair pinned over my shoulder on one side

Next week I promise not to have a curling iron cord and large lego blocks in the back ground lol :-)

Have a great day!

Friday, October 31, 2014

It's Halloween at our House!

It's Halloween at our house! Here is my sweet kiddos all dressed up in their halloween outfits I made for them. They actually smiled for the pictures! 

Here is an upclose of the shoes I made for my baby girl. They are available in my Etsy shop incase anyone is interested!  

Here is our bowl of candy ready for trick or treaters. Yum!

I made this last year at the hospital when Lexi was in the NICU. Her foot was so TINY back then!

Cut some wood squares, modge podge some scrapbook paper on and cut vinyl out to put on and you have an easy Halloween decoration! 

I cut some fun Halloween figures out of vinyl and put on some plastic cups for our Family Halloween party. The kids LOVED them! If anyone is interested, they are available in my vinyl Etsy shop. 

This has been my all time favorite Halloween project. I took an old window and cut Halloween figures out to put on it. I get compliments on it all the time:) I hope to eventually have one for every holiday.

This is my Welcome post when people come in our front door. I can change out the board that is hooked on with each holiday. The one on it now is with witch feet and it says "If the shoe fits".

I whipped this up pretty quick. Bunting can have such a big impact for such a low cost/time and effort to make. 

My husband made this shelf. I switch out the decorations with the holdidays/seasons. He has a variety of colored shelves available in his Etsy shop. 

Below are closeups of all the things on my shelf. Most of them I made. All super easy projects!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cream Cheese Heath Bits Apple Dip

This dip is SO yummy! And so easy to make too! My family all loves it.

First, take a block of cream cheese and put it in a medium size bowl. Beat it with a beater for a minute. 

Add a packed cup of brown sugar.

Beat with the mixer till smooth.

Add a half cup of Heath Milk Chocolate Toffee Bits. You can find them on the isle with the chocolate chips. I already used half the bag for another recipe earlier this week so hense the now  empty wrinkly bag:-)

Beat for a few seconds till the Heath Bits are evenly distributed.

Chill for a bit and eat with sliced fresh apples! 

Cream Cheese Heath Bits Apple Dip

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
1 packed cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup Milk Chocolate Toffee Bits
Crisp Fresh Apples

In a medium size bowl, beat the cream cheese. Add brown sugar and beat till smooth. Add the Toffee Bits and beat for a few seconds. Chill for a bit and eat with sliced fresh apples! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cupcake First Birthday Party

My baby just had her first birthday! It's crazy how fast time flies. I feel like it wasn't long ago I was visiting my little 3 lb. baby in the NICU. Sometime I will write about her story. I am so grateful that she is here and healthy and celebrating her first birthday! First birthdays are kind of a big deal I think so I had to throw my sweetie a "sweet" party;-).

So, with that being said.......please join me for Lexi's Birthday Party! Okay, so maybe it already happened. But keep scrolling down and it's like celebrating it all over again! So the photo above is the invitations that I made and sent out to all our family inviting them to come. It was my first try at doing a chalkboard design. Not too shabby I think:-)

Below is the table I set up in our back yard. That's the fence behind it:-) I know, high class right?

My husband sells these adorable little standing chalkboard frames in his shop. If you are interested in them click here. Since I'm his wife I got them for free:)

These are the white marshmallow cupcakes. Yum!

These are the chocolate oreo cupcakes. Now I'm not a cake decorator and I was using a bag with a corner clipped (I hardly think that's professional equipment) so no judging my skills please.

They are cute in a homemade way right? 

Anything is cute on a cupcake stand!

I didn't put the icecream out yet because I didn't want it to melt. Here is the sign with the flavors though. Again, one of my husband's AMAZING frames:)

I made this awhile ago. I had my husband cut out the letters and then I decorated them. They grace our table every birthday. 

This was also done awhile ago. I am still in love. I hate to only bring it out for a day. Love Cupcakes!

I sewed this banner the night before her birthday after the kiddos were in bed. Super easy. I know there is already a million tutorials for these on pinterest but I'd be happy to add to the list if anyone is interested. Just let me know if you are! 

Here it is again. I don't think I could have been happier with the way it turned out. Most everything I already had. Just had to whip up the bunting and paint some frames. Oh and make the cupcakes of course;-)

Time to open presents!!! She was a pro!

Okay maybe she needed a little help now and again. 

The cupcake onesie was given to me with my first daughter. Since Marissa hardly touched her cupcake at her first birthday party it wasn't stained. I don't know why she didn't want to get dirty then because she has no issue with it now! 

I kind of have a thing for shoes. I NEEDED to make her matching shoes:-)

 Can you believe that ruffle bum?! Cutest thing ever!!! Polka dots, cupcakes, sprinkles, turquoise and tulle......can't go wrong with that combination! I made this for my first girl and was able to let Lexi wear it too. It was a bit of a struggle to get it over her thighs but it was worth it!

And there she is digging right in! Sadly I didn't get a very good ending picture because it started getting pretty dark by the time she was done. She was pretty messy though! 
Successful party done! It was so fun and I look forward to many more birthdays to come. 
Love you Lexi! So proud of you! May your future birthdays be as fun as this one!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Fresh Corn and Avocado Salsa

My husband's aunt served this once when we had dinner at their place and I had to get the recipe from her! It's perfect to make when you have tomatoes growing in your garden. 

This is all you need. Not much! Plus a bag of yummy tortilla chips too of course;-)

Mix up the Italian dressing packet according to directions.

Chop up your tomatoes.

Cut up your cilantro and add it to your tomatoes. 

Drain the juice out of the can before adding corn. 

Chop up your avocadoes.


Pour dressing over vegetables. Stir.

Put in the fridge for a bit. When ready, eat with tortilla chips. Enjoy! 


Fresh Corn and Avocado Salsa

3-4 Tomatoes
2 avocadoes
1 bunch cilantro 
1 can sweet corn (drained)
1 pkg. Dry Zesty Italian salad dressing mix (make as directed on pkg.)

Mix all ingredients together. Serve with chips.