Thursday, January 30, 2014

Chore Charts Part #2

You may have seen in my last post the chore charts I made for my kids. Well, as I was making them the wheels in my head started husband would say "oh no," if he heard me say that! Usually that means I've thought of another project I want to do. Well here is the project the wheels in my head came up with. Totally unnessecary but totally adorable:)

Now, please don't judge what we pay our kids for doing their chores. Some of you may be surprised and think that we don't pay them enough and others of you may think we pay them a lot.......okay maybe not. I admit we really don't pay them a lot. They are only 3 and 6 and I want them to learn that saving takes time but it's very rewarding when you get there. I don't want to pay them too much so it's like handing them money but I want them to earn enough that they can buy something fun once in awhile. So here it is.......

 My three year old earns 5 cents for each chore which totals out to be a quarter a week.

My six year old earns ten cents for each chore which totals out to be 50 cents a week. 

We also give them the opportunity if they are saving up for something bigger or they want to save up quicker to come ask me for an "extra money" chore. My son did that the other day and I had him take off the couch cushions and vaccuum inside. It so desperately needed to be done! He also saves pop cans and when there is enough we drive him over so he can turn them in and get paid. Scott and I want our kids to learn how to work. I try not to make any chores too difficult or overwelming for them but still challenging enough that they actually have to "work" to earn their money! 

Well anyhow, usually they complete all their chores but sometimes when we have a crazy week they might miss one. So I thought it would be fun to make a cute decoration display on what chores they do and what they get paid for each.

I went to the dollar store and bought two identical $1.00 frames. I painted them and put cute blue crinkly paper in the inside to add a fun texture. Then I cut their names out of vinyl and the chores. I applied the vinyl and that was it! The kids love them and I do too:)

Stay tuned because one of these days I'll finish the organized closet these babies are going into and I'll post pictures about it! 

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