Wednesday, March 25, 2015

We are going to Disney Land!!!

I am so excited! We are FINALLY going to Disney Land! I have never been in my entire life and I am adamant that my kids are going! And they are going while they still love characters. I respect everyone's decisions and I know some people have mentioned to me that they don't think it's worth going till their kids are old enough to remember the trip. I can see their reasonings but I also know that if you wait till they are too old they will be out of the "character" stage and I wonder if that loses a little bit of the magic? ......Anyhow, not here to start a debate, obviously I don't know because I've never been but that's all about to change! We are going in a couple months, yes, even with a baby in a stroller and me being pregnant. It's going to still be magical :)

I may not be able to do all the rides but I told my husband that gosh dang it, in the second trimester I'm going to be able to eat so we are going to eat LOTS!!! If I gain weight from it.....well let's just say I can blame it on the baby :)

So to tell you how excited I am I told my son about how they call it the happiest place on earth and sometimes when I'm helping him do his homework I find myself daydreaming about it! Then I'll turn to him and say, "The HAPPIEST place on earth Tanner. HAPPIEST place on earth." My son just looks at me and smiles. I know, mom of the year.

One time I also said to the kids "Whoever's the most excited to go to Disney Land yell "I am" the loudest!" As they both yelled "I am!" I yelled it at the same time louder then them! My husband laughed at me. I'm not excited at all. Not even one little bit ;)

Okay, so I may be on the crazy mom list but that's okay. I hope I'm fun too. I saw this idea on the blog Mother's in Law Tonque. She has awsome ideas! If you would like to see hers click here.

Here is the first one I came up with to start. If you would like the free menu printable just right click and save then print!

So here is how it works. Up until our trip the kids and I will choose a movie of the week. We will watch that movie on Friday night and then sometime during that week we will have our "themed" dinner that goes a long with that movie! The first night was a blast. Many of our older Disney movies are on VHS and we only have a VHS player downstairs in the toyroom so we carried a mattress down, everyone piled on it and we watched the movie while eating popcorn!

Then on Monay we had this dinner. My kids have gotten so excited about this. They keep telling me what movies they want to do the most and my seven year old son keeps giving me all his awesome food ideas to go with the dinners! I gotta say that some of them are pretty creative! So stay tuned. I'll be posting one a week a long with the printable menu incase you would like to print them off for your own family's personal use.

My kids decided Snow White oughta be next since it was the first Disney Full Length Feature Film. I can guarantee that dinner will have apples in it! Other then that, I'll leave the rest as a surprise:)

Here is the menu.....

So as you can see, Spaghetti with meatballs was the obvious choice :)

Red checked table cloth was in order too I'd say. Cost me $3.00 for the fabric. Other then the price of the food that was it!

These things don't have to be expensive. Here are my two odest excited for their dinner! Simple, not fancy, but oh so fun! Let me know if you've done Lady and Tramp themed dinner before. Any ideas of what you did differently?

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Baby Announcement

Surprise! This is the closest spread we will have done between babies. Lexi and this baby will be barely two years apart! I know many women have done it but I never have so I think I'm a little crazy!!! We are so excited though. All except for Lexi. Look at that face!!!

Man it must be hard to know your getting evicted from the baby spot! Look how my two older kids look excited cheesiness going on there.....not one bit:)  And no that's not leftover lasagna on Marissa's face staining her cheeks. What kind of parent do you think I am? I wash my kid's faces before taking important pictures ;)