Monday, January 19, 2015

Black Buttoned Down Sweater with Rustic Jeans

Curly ombre hair, black sweater with buttons on the sleeves, holy boyfriend jeans and leapord print flats. Comfy, cute and perfect for everyday wear! 

I am not going to lie, these have been staples in my closet for years. That's the nice thing about holy don't have to toss them when they get a hole! The shoes I got from Target. The others, well let's just say anything over a year and my brain tosses it out:)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Years Eve Table Decor

This was a last second idea that popped in my head. Okay, by last second I mean: I thought of it, I shopped for it and I created it in less then a week. If I had more time I might have done a fun table runner down the middle of the table or a fun backdrop, but for the time, I am very pleased with how it turned out. Stay tuned for the tutorials at the end of this post. 

The pink plates were a happy accident. I had actually planned on using black plates but I couldn't find them when it was time to set the table so I used what I could find. Turns out, I love the pop of color. I think aqua plates would have been fun too. I have three kids so paper products are the way to go for my family when we want "special dinnerware". Plus, it's not nearly as expensive and I don't have to store them all year to use once a year. If the rest of the table is dressed up, you won't even notice that your dishes are throw a way :) We were having a fondue dinner so no utensils were allowed. Only fondue sticks! 

At the end of this post I will give you the tutorial on how to make this fun gold glitter dipped glass jar. It's so easy and literally took me less then ten minutes! What a large impact for such a cheap easy project.

I LOVE all the fun straws out there these days! I was gonna settle for black till I saw these gold babies and it was love at first sight. They were perfect for what I wanted. They were $2.47 at my local Walmart. 

I got a pack of a 100 fondue sticks at Walmart for a $1.00. I found this gold sequin like ribbon at Joanne Fabric store and knew I needed to use it somewhere. I just took a small handfull of fondue sticks, wrapped the ribbon around it a couple times, cut the end and used a little Elmer's glue on the end. A glue gun would probably have worked better, but I was too lazy to go find it and I figured the elmer's would work just fine :)

Isn't that gold dipped jar so fun?! The little pearls you see scattered on the table are actually sprinkles! They came in a jar with several different kinds of sprinkles all gold and white. My kids loved picking them up off the table and eating them. And I'm sure my 15 month old baby will love them too as she finds the ones that rolled off the table and into a crevice somewhere. She may be finding one here and there for the next couple months! I swear, she finds things in our house that I didn't knew existed! I'll blame it on the age and not my lack of cleaning. ;)

I found these gold frames at a thrift store for 50 cents each about two years ago. Forgot I had them. I had put them in the crawl space while they waited to be sprayed a bright color for my girl's room. I found them and decided a change of plans was in order. I took the glass and sprayed it with chalkboard paint. Then with my silhouette cameo machine I cut out Happy New Year with gold vinyl. I love how they turned out!

Here is an upclose of the Happy.....

and the New Year....

Okay, so remember how I told you about those gold and white sprinkles? Well, this glass is dipped in some of those gold sprinkles! My kids LOVED this. Stay tuned for tutorial below. You gotta do it. Your kids will love it. 

So here is a reminder of what it all looks like! 

On to the tutorials! So you'll need a glass jar of any size/shape that you want. Also, modpodge, a paper plate, gold glitter and a brush. 

Using the brush, paint some modge podge on the glass jar from the bottom of the jar up as high as you want the glitter to go. I forgot to take a picture of this next part. Holding the jar over the paper plate, spirnkle the glitter all over the wet modge podge till it's covered as good as you want it. Once dry, take some seran wrap and crinkle it up in the bottom. Who knew seran wrap could add a pretty texture and shimmer?!

And there you have it! 

Stick some pretty straws in and you have this! 

As for the dipped glasses....and yes, I let my kids use real glasses! Don't be afraid to mix some fancy dishes with colored paper products to make it more kid friendly. And like us, you can totally drink koolaide or water in these fancy glasses! 

You will need:

Fancy glasses
Corn Syrup
paper plates

Pour some corn syrup on a paper plate. 

Pour some sprinkles on a different paper plate.

Dip a glass in the corn syrup....

then immediately dip it into the sprinkles. 

Turn it right side up and let it dry! 

This adds so much glamour to the table! Think of all the fun possiblities! It was yummy too. Corn syrup and sprinkles....what's not to love? My kids licked it clean. 

I hope you enjoyed this and that maybe just maybe you got inspired to create your own New Years Table next year! Happy creating!